>> Monday, April 17, 2006

it's juS so0 weiRdzZ . .
g0sHhh . .
aRgHhhHhh . .

11:56 PM;
the bare, lonely street


MenDak SaK ..
so mEet up wiF tHe b0ys n lepaK ..
whEn over t0 maLik hsE ..
fr0m thEre wE waLk n lepaK at Reserv0ir ..
ChiLL .. l iSteN muSiC .. SnappiNg piCtuRes ..
waS greAt !!
reaLLy eNj0yeD myseLf .
aftEr tat wHen t0 PaSar MaLam ..
rode bumpEr caR .. hEe
n bougHt s0me fo0d ..
freaKy huNgrY maN !!
sat unDer v0id dEck n eAt .. piCnic gitu ..
mE .. meL ..Wan .. TauFik .. FaRid .. Malik .. AzZ .. Jib n WifE ..
aftEr tat pLayed tRutH .. daRe or Eat !!
teLL ya tHe tRuth ..
i reaLLy hatE pLayiNg ThiS gaMe..
but n0 ch0icE tiS tymE caNn0t av0id ..
w0nt dEscRibe muCh hErE wat happEneD ehk ..
tH0se wh0 noE juS keEp t0 urseLf ..
haiiXx .. paiSeH t0 tHe MAxXx !!!
weNt h0mE quitE latE th0ugH ..
c0nfeRenCe awHiLe tHen oFF to sLeEp ..
hmMhz .. i gEt t0 n0e s0mE stuFF ..
itS juS so0 sCaRyy !!
AaRgHHhhh !!!

1:28 PM;
the bare, lonely street

>> Sunday, April 16, 2006

pHEwW !!
gLAd evErytHiNg's ovEr !!
But reaLLy caNt believe tatS HoLLaBaCk CreW is oVeR !!
WaS haviN a MarveLLouS tymE @ thE iNdo0r StadiuM ..
EveN th0ugH wE diN wiN anytHing ..
WaS quitE diSapp0intEd th0ugh ..
But tAts pArt n paRceL of a Competiti0n ..
u eitHeR wiN or LoSe !!
GoShH !! noW i duNno Wat t0 do !! itS so0 meNdaK heRe !!
ok let mE frEsH bAck 2 DayS b4 tHe ActuaL pErforMancE ..
g0tta bE a Long eNtry .. beAr wif mE ..
14th April 06 (FriDay)
hAd pErformAncE at AdmiRaLty PlaCe ..
duNn0e wat fiEsta aHh ..
krumpErs perf0rmaNce coCked up .. in my opini0n ahH ..
MaLiq .. meL .. SaliMin .. SideK
diDn't tuRn up ..
but wE juS g0 on wiF tHe sh0w . .
thEn sLaCk at Zura's hsE .. ouR heAdquaterS ..
do lAst miN thiNgy ..
aftEr tat im off t0 suNtEc t0 meEt LinDa wiF meL ..
pASs the tix ..
MystiQue mEmbeRs to0k tRansp0rtation t0 thE indo0r stAdiuM
for tHe reheaRsaL ..
me n MeL??
wE waLk all tHe wAy fr0m kaLLaNg MRt t0 tHe StadiuM ..
g0t l0St in thE middLe ..
seMput alreaDy when wE reAched thEre ..
thEn i wAs 'tegur' by my tEaCher s0me unplEasaNt stuFf ahh ..
but i take his comment positively .. my miStakE to0 ..
Was reaLLy2 v stReSsFuL tau ..
i reaLLy c0ckEd up to0 muCh ..
neArLy bReAk d0wn ..
untiL onE of thE brEaker neaRly keNa by mE ..
haiXx ..
duriN tat time i jus waNted t0 get out of thEre ..
but i juS stayEd put ..
lEft thE pLacE quite laTe ..
reAchEd h0me at 12 am ..
pAckeD the thinGs nEedEd untiL 1am
to0 exhAustEd !!
15th ApriL 2006 (SaturDay)
- ActuaL Day -
WoKe up at 4aM ..
c0z gotta mEet JiB n VicKy at intErcHaNge ..
haiZz .. waited for the buS for 20 mins ..
ended up bus service not yet started ..
so to0k a cab coz im late ..
only ViCky wAs thEre ..
waitEd fir Jib n oFF we pr0cEed to KhatiB ..
traNsport by Min's abg iPar ..
thk g0d !!
Busy busy busy
wiF rehearsing until run out of the schedule given ..
make up pun laSt miN ..
th0ugh i like my faCe paiNt .. hEe
strEss Sak aKu !!!
mane nak make up .. gather bdk2 .. ph0ne caLLs/mSg .. eTc
can really hear the crowD v0icEs from BaCkstage ..
itS so0 Scary ..
5 th0usaNd ppL ..
g0sHh !! v v nErv0us !!
wAs also piSseD off wif oNe of tHe gRp th0ugh ..
We are the 1st grp in tHe 2nd haLf t0 perform ..
ohh yea ..
n tat guy from R0nin pat me on my BaCk ..
sh0ckEd me for awiLe ..
LeTs WeLc0mEEEee
wE juS gavE aLL out ..
eveything weNt on sm00tHly ..
maMpat giLeR SaK !!
WaS reaLLy daMn satiSfiEd ..
alhaMduLLiLah ..
aaRon aziz was one of the judges !! Shit !!
after performaNce went t0 clean up
n meEt my seC scH freNs ..
eAt at MaC
n off h0me swEet h0me
t0 tHe pErcuSsi0niSt n MaFias'
reALLy soRry i didn't heLp u gUy out with thE pErcussions ..
goShH !!
reaLLy miSsiN MystiQue like heLL !!

12:50 AM;
the bare, lonely street

>> Friday, April 07, 2006

U aRe My SuNshiNe
My oNLy suNshiNe
U MakE mE haPpy
WhEn skiEs aRe gRey
U nEvEr n0E deAr
H0w muCh i LovE u
PleAsE duN takE
My SuNshiNe aWay
iM so stuCk wiF tiS s0ng . . duNn0e y . .
HmMzZ . .

10:47 PM;
the bare, lonely street


StReSs !! StrEsSs !!
WaS haviN feVer siNce yEsterDay
haiXxx .. stResS aBt eVerytHing ..
daNce pRaCtiSe .. 'paPeR w0rK' .. cReW mEmbErs .. feEL juS liKe quittIng ..
aAaRgHhh ..
tHaNk g0d i aM tHe linkEd betweEn tHe orgaNisEr n MystiQue ..
if n0t ?!? thiNk i've quit ..
but mE quittiNg haLfway tHru' aftEr aLL tHe haRd w0rk i've g0ne tHru'
n0o wAy maN !!
duN woRry i'll wiLL puLL it tHru'
SeEing mY c0re MemBeRs reaLLy put a smiLe 0n my faCe
g0nNa miSs tHem L0ts aftEr tHe c0mpEtiti0n
aLL tHe LaugHtEr .. aRguMeNts .. j0kEs .. cRaps ..
G-A-Y Unit + L-E-S Unit
aFtEr a haRd daY of w0rK toDay i guEsS we havE settLed it ..
caN feEL my teMpeRatuRe dEcReaSin ..
but a Bit 0nLy ..
WaS reaLLy satiSfiEd wiF eVerytHinG
Luv u guySss !!!!

10:29 AM;
the bare, lonely street

>> Thursday, April 06, 2006

g0sShH . . miSsiN u ppL so0 muCh !!!
haD a bbQ pit at EaSt C0aSt PaRk yEstErday, 5th ApriL . .
weNt d0wN aftEr my daNce pRaCtise wiF meL . .
so0 haLfway thru whiLe staRtiNg up tHe firE suDdeNly it raiNed . .
haiZz . . thaNk g0d wE havE a sheLtEr . . it waS so0 daMn heavy . .
thE teNt whiCh wAs sEt up earLier wAs haLfway c0LLapsiNg . .
thE sheLteR wAs aLs0 flo0dEd . .
g0osHH !! wait n wait untiL 8pm pLus tHen maNage t0 gEt stArted . .
but iTs okie . .
to0k lots of piCtuRes wiF ppL caMeRas' . .
haha . .
i've gRabBed NaZri caP . . b0i !! i l0ikE tat caP . .
gottA havE tAt Cap . .
i t0n ovEr n wE Lazzzz aRd tiLl miDnigHt thEn weNt t0 c tHe rEst pLay po0L .
whiLe watChing thEm pLay i cHattEd wiF my freN 0n tHe hp . .
aftEr tat mE . . qiE . . shAn . . nAdz . . miCh . . pLayed
that futsaL table . . i like tat !! its beEn my fav gaMe . . hEe . .
aftEr tat . . juS taLked crApPed on gH0st stoRies n stuFF tiLL suNriSe . .
maNagEd t0 sLeEp a feW miN only . . wAsh up n wE hit tHe mAc DonaLd . .
thEn wAt's neXt ??
to0k tHe buS h0me wiF miChie . .
b0th oF us juS sLeEp 0ur aSs off !!
CaNn0t takE it sAk . . tiRed . .
reAchEd h0me sLeEp aBt 2 h0urS tHen oFF t0 my daNce pRaCtiSe @ siMei . .
supEr tiRed Lor . .
but i juS puLLed myseLf c0z i neEd to settLe s0me stuFF witH my mEmbErs . .
aNyway . . t0 najiB, im reaLLy s0rRy ya 4 tat bruiSe neAr ur eyE . .
feEL v guiLy whEnevEr i c him . . so0 soRry
wHen BaCk h0me earLy t0day . .
neEd t0 settLe an0tHer urgeNt stuFF . . s0 strEssFuL . .
to0k buS h0mE wiF faRid . .
n wE taLked n taLked . .
untiL heRe i aM updatiNg my bL0g . .

7:59 AM;
the bare, lonely street

>> Sunday, April 02, 2006

WeEe .. guEss wAt ?!? MystiquE aRe tHru' t0 tHe fiNals .. yeAa ..
hahaha .. th0ugh ouR peRformaNce wAs teRriBLe !!! EveRytHing juS c0ckEd up ..
haiZz .. but at LeAst wE makE it thRu' .. OuRs wAs tHe LaSt tEam t0 eNtRy tHe finaLs ..
hEe .. alhaMduLliLah ..
yEaa .. thEre's l0ts n l0ts of bLo0pErs .. heE ..
but i guEss iM tHe WoRst !!! u n0e waT??
AftEr i'vE chaNgEd t0 my c0stuMes i waNna chaNgE to my bLaCk sh0e ..
tHe n0rmaL bLaCk sh0e i n0rMaLLy weAr to ScH .. nNnnnn .. h0w stupiD caN i gEt
weNt i b0ugHt aL0ng a 2 rigHt sidEd sh0eS .. BotH paiRs aRe rigHHt !!! aRrrgHHhh !!
i was LikE waT thE fuCk !!! oNe wAs sLeEse tHe othEr wAs kaPpa .. g0sShh !!
n0 ch0icE i'vE g0tta weAr c0z tHe extRa sh0eS aRe daMn biG 4 my SmaLL fo0t ..
itSs so0 aWkwaRd !!! n yeA .. aLL my 0tHer mEmbErs weRe laugHiNg at mE ..
thAnkx t0 tat sh0E tat i t0sSed t0 tHe riGht .. haiZz .. wAs quitE diSsap0intEd 4 a whiLe ..
buT ovEraLL it wAs aWeS0mE .. except 4 tiNy paRt of it ..
sAw s0me1 i n0E wh0 gavE mE tiS fuCkiNg facE n theRe g0eSs my miDdLe fiNgEr .. haha ..
n0 moRe tHe deCeNt mE aitEe ..
so0 th0se wH0 waNNa watCh us in thE finaL dp bo0k ur tix wiF me ..
tix aRe LiMitEd aitE ..
n wE wiLL bE tHe opEniNg grP 4 ab0ve 17 t0 peRforMaNcE ..
yea ..
guEsS tiLL hEre .. c u @ thE fiNaLs ..

10:31 PM;
the bare, lonely street

- disclaimer .

This skin is designed by saygoodbye♥
It works in IE .
All credits are as stated below.

- abouther .

^-*NurFaezah Elvira*
12 Nov 1986
20 years old
Petite Girl
ITE College Central Bishan
Temasek Polytechnic
.: fetish :.

+ Cameras
+ SmiLey
+ Movies
+ Music
+ Dancing
+ Bitching
+ Sports
+ My pEeps*
+ Laughter
+ $$$$
.: abhors :.

- Mats / Minahs*
- Smokes*
- Backstabbers
- Broken promises*
- Those who toyed wif ppl heart/feelings**
- Those who nv meant wat they say**
- Jerks
- Bitches
- Liars

~ Star Gazing + Watching Sunset wif s0meoNe sPeciaL*
~ HiM
~ Adidas Wears / Accessories
~ Perlini's Silver Rings/Pendants
~ New Mp3
~ Bags
~ Shoes
~ Camera
~ New Hp
~ A Job
~ To get to HollaBack Crew Final 2006
~ To continue my educational level
~ Watch
~ Purse

~ Spiderman 3
~ Stomp the Yard
~ Mr Bean's Holiday

~ AuStRaLia (AdelaiDe / MeLbourNe)
~ BangKok (Pattaya)
~ MaLaySia (PoRt DiCks0n / MaLaCca / PaHaNg / Ti0mAn / TereNggaNu / KL)

- linkies .

AiN HoopLa
Yong Kiat
SzE Li

- eagerness .

- history .

March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
October 2007

- credits .

Designer : ! designer &
Images : ! deviantart & PLEASE DO NOT RIP OFF THE CREDITS.
i'll chew your head head off.